Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Cherokee Purple Tomatoes

These are a heirloom variety I like to grow.  They
are one of the tasty tomatoes you  will eat.
As the story goes, the Cherokee purple tomato was given
to early settlers of the United States from the
Native American Cherokees.

What it takes to grow food in Kentucky this year.
This is our second year for our garden.  The water
issue is we are not getting enough rain.  So, I have
decided to take this issue to the next step.  I am trying
to grow under extreme heat temperatures.
Mulching with straw and using cardboard of any kind
that I have.  That means we save any type of cardboard,
including any that food comes in.  We use as a weed barrier
and to keep any moisture in the ground. We are using drip
tape but I have only gotten it in one section of the garden.
Mostly, where the tomatoes are growing.
Working with clay soil is a little different. My job is to
lighten the soil.  I have been purchasing peat moss and
adding it to the soil.
So far the tomatoes are doing really good.