Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Sound of Rain


I cannot catch "the sound of noise
of rain"
long before the rain falls,
and, going to some hilltop of the spirit,
as near to my God as I can,
have not faith to wait there with
my face between my kness,
though six times or sixty times I
am told" there arises a little
cloud out the sea,"
then I know nothing of Calvary love.

written by Amy Carmichael

1 comment:

  1. For some reason, I thought you had stopped blogging! Glad you stopped by today.
    My beans usually grow well until the deer discover them, but this year I planted them in a different garden with a little better fence and I get to harvest the beans instead! :~P Yay! I will be canning some more today ~ they are my favorite veggie! I love them with bacon and onion and garlic...mmmm... I could make a whole meal out of that, and often do!
    Hope you are doing well in your new home and are not having severe weather troubles as so many are.
